Monday, February 16, 2009

Our weekend...

The last few days I have gotten some really good shots of Emily doing just everyday normal things that I wanted to share. Yesterday I went to a baby shower for a friend of ours and RT went and shot his gun at the indoor range with her husband. Before the shower, Emily and RT played with the ball in the front yard and here are some pictures from that.

This morning while RT was shaving his face, Emily asked if she could help. She is going through a stage where she wants to help with everything RT and I do. She likes to "help" me put my makeup on in the mornings and she likes to help sweep the floor. She even wants to help RT when he builds a fire in the fireplace. It is really cute. So, this morning RT thought he would let her help out. It went really well with a little supervision from Daddy.

This afternoon we decided to make a stop at the park. Emily loves this particular park and gets so excited every time we go there.

The whole family had a good time this afternoon!


Jennifer said...

OMG! Please tell me that R.T. took the razors out before handing it to his 2 1/2 year old!

Tanya said...

Nope he left the razors in it. It was the real deal. She did really well! He is a lot braver than I am!!