Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I almost had a heart attack...

Yesterday I had taken my wedding rings off while I took a shower. I was in the bedroom afterwards when I heard something clinging. Emily walked in so very calmy and said "Mama I dropped your earring." I walked into what is now her completely empty room and asked where she dropped it. I knew that it could not have been my earring because I had put those inside the cabinet in the bathroom and she cannot reach that high. She looked down at the air vent that is on her floor and said "in there." I almost had a heart attack! My two year old had dropped the most important thing that RT has ever given me down an air vent in a house in Italy that I was moving out of in two weeks. RT comes up stairs and I explain to him that my wedding ring is the air vent somewhere while almost in tears. He takes the vent covers off and lays flat on the ground while sticking his ENTIRE arm down the vent. Luckily the vent did an L turn and it had stopped just within his arm's reach. Lesson learned: don't leave your most valued possesion unattended with an exteremly curious (and clumsy) child in the house!


Katie said...

Don't worry - adults do it too. Michael lost his wedding band and freaked out. He ran all over the house. It ended up being in the garage in his ruck sack. He didn't even know it had fallen off. Now he wears it on his other hand because it fits better.

Jennifer said...

Atleast she told you. What if you just couldn't find it? Still, I understand and I would have had a heart attack too.

animefreakx91 said...

That WOULD be scary :S