Today was something that I have been stressed about for so long. I finally got a job! This meant that I also had to put my baby in a daycare. I have never been away from Emily like this and I was very nervous about it. I had to have looked at a hundred daycares last week before choosing one I thought would be best. I started my job today which is in Auburn. It is a little tricky because they are a hour behind us. So when I am getting off at 5 pm their time, it is really 6 pm our time. Then we have a 45-60 minute drive home.This is going to take some getting used to. Anyway, this was also Emily's first day at "school". This week also happens to be a theme week at the school. Today was wear a hat day and bring your favorite book with you. Emily chose a Dora book which was no surprise :) I was so proud of her this morning. We left very early because we were not sure of the traffic at that time in the morning therefore, we were not really in a hurry. When we got to the daycare she told me that she didn't want me to leave. This was before we even made it into the building. I thought "Well this is it! I am not going to work because I can not leave my baby!" Once we got inside, she did great. She sat with the teacher and showed her the Dora book that we had brought. I kissed her and then left. Neither one of us cried!! I was certain that I was going to lose it but I didn't! At lunch I was going to stop in and check on her but decided against that. When I picked her up this afternoon, the teacher sent a note home telling me that Emily had done great today! She said she played very well and did wonderful going to the potty! The teacher's assistant said that Emily was very well behaved. I am very proud of Emily! Here are some pictures from this morning.
Here she is outside of the school before going inside.

Here she is once we finally made it inside.

Here she is showing her teacher, Miss T., her Dora book.