The weekend before Easter, there was a Spring Fling on post. We decided to take the kids (Emily and Ethan) to see what it was all about. They had a great time! It really helped us all get excited for Easter and gave Emily a chance to practice hunting for eggs.
Emily with the Easter Bunny
Waiting for the whistle to blow so that the Easter Egg hunt can start.
In action! Daddy decided to help her out since it was kind of chaotic. Jumping in the moon walk.
Today was something that I have been stressed about for so long. I finally got a job! This meant that I also had to put my baby in a daycare. I have never been away from Emily like this and I was very nervous about it. I had to have looked at a hundred daycares last week before choosing one I thought would be best. I started my job today which is in Auburn. It is a little tricky because they are a hour behind us. So when I am getting off at 5 pm their time, it is really 6 pm our time. Then we have a 45-60 minute drive home.This is going to take some getting used to. Anyway, this was also Emily's first day at "school". This week also happens to be a theme week at the school. Today was wear a hat day and bring your favorite book with you. Emily chose a Dora book which was no surprise :) I was so proud of her this morning. We left very early because we were not sure of the traffic at that time in the morning therefore, we were not really in a hurry. When we got to the daycare she told me that she didn't want me to leave. This was before we even made it into the building. I thought "Well this is it! I am not going to work because I can not leave my baby!" Once we got inside, she did great. She sat with the teacher and showed her the Dora book that we had brought. I kissed her and then left. Neither one of us cried!! I was certain that I was going to lose it but I didn't! At lunch I was going to stop in and check on her but decided against that. When I picked her up this afternoon, the teacher sent a note home telling me that Emily had done great today! She said she played very well and did wonderful going to the potty! The teacher's assistant said that Emily was very well behaved. I am very proud of Emily! Here are some pictures from this morning.
Here she is outside of the school before going inside.
Here she is once we finally made it inside. Here she is showing her teacher, Miss T., her Dora book.
Brittany is a member of the step team at East Coweta High School. Her school hosted a competition and there were several schools that attended. RT had to work this day so Emily and I made the trip up to East Coweta to support Brittany. Here are a few pictures from that day.
There was a clown there that was painting the faces of the younger kids. This is Emily getting her face painted. ScS5PMJhc0U/s320/Easter,+LeeAnn+Party+005.jpg"> Emily and Briane with their butterfly faces.
A fair came to Stockbridge which is close to my Dad's house. We took the girls and they had a blast. Emily and Briane have gotten to be really close. Emily will tell me "Briane is my best friend." Although they fight like cats and dogs sometimes, I know that they love being together. Here is our trip to the fair.
Me and Brittany on the "Tilt-a-whirl" I LOVE this ride. Mandy and Briane on the same ride.
I realize that my birthday was almost a month ago but I still wanted to blog about it. We got a group of friends together and had dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. We then headed to the Funny Farm to see a few comedians. It was hilarious! I was crying I was laughing so hard at times. This was the first time that I have ever been to a comedy club so I was not sure what to expect. It turned out to be a really good experience and I had a lot of fun! Here are all the girls!
The Guys! Then a group shot. Me and Mandy Me and RT
A few weeks ago we decided to take a quick trip to Washington, D.C. I have wanted to go up there for the last few years and R.T. had a long weekend so we decided to take advantage of the time off. Rana was able to work her schedule so that she could go with us. We had so much fun and I loved it there. We were non-stop the entire time we were there. We knew when we left that there were specific things that we really wanted to see while we were there. In order to get everything squeezed into the short time that we had, we had to stay on the go pretty much the whole time. Two of the biggest things we went to visit were The Holocaust Museum and Arlington Cemetery. These two things alone made the trip worth while! Here are some of the pictures that I took while we were there for the weekend.
The first thing we went to see was The Washington Monument. We then took a walk by the reflecting pool (which was empty while we were there) and then to The Lincoln Memorial.
The Lincoln Memorial was very different from what I imagined it to be. The actual statue of Lincoln is not exposed like I thought. He is sort of "enshrined" although it is still outside. I was under the impression that he was more exposed than he actually is. Anyway, the memorial is very large and very cool to see in person. Our next stop was the Vietnam Memorial. This was amazing. It was such a somber sight to see just how many people had lost their lives during that war.
Here is a shot of The Capitol.
On Saturday morning we made our first stop at The Holocaust Museum. This was on the top of my agenda and we spent 2-3 hours in the museum. It was so informative and extremely sad. I didn't get any pictures from this because they did not allow us to take pictures inside. After this we went to Arlington Cemetery. It was so important for us to see the changing of the guard at The Tomb of the Unknown. By the time we got to the cemetery there was only one more changing before they closed it to the public. We made a stop at the grave of JFK on the way to the Tomb of The Unknown soldier.
Once we actually arrived at The Changing of the Guard (this was quite a walk), I was able to get a few shots of the soldiers. The entire process was really amazing. Everyone was very quiet and it just made you feel so much respect for the soldiers that have lost their lives and had the honor of being buried at Arlington.
We also got to go into the National Archives where we were able to see the original Bill of Rights, The United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. These were the three documents that we wanted to see but there was SO much more that I would loved to have seen. If we go back to Washington, D.C. I will certainly spend much more time in The National Archives. This was definitely one of the highlights of the trip. Once again, they did not allow pictures so I didn't take any inside. After dinner, we went to visit the White House.
These are taken outside of the Treasury Building. These are outside of The White House. It was so pretty at night and there was not as much of a crowd.
This is in front of The Washington Monument at night. This trip was great. I wish we could have toured the Pentagon and seen a thousand other things. We did stay in a hotel that overlooked the Pentagon so that was really cool. The pool was on the top floor and you could see the Pentagon really well. I hope that we get the opportunity to go back up there and see some more things. It was well worth it!
Hi! I am 27 years old and currently live in Columbus, GA with my husband and two year old daughter, Emily. RT is in the Army and has been for over eight years. We are currently stationed at Fort Benning and he just returned from a deployment to Afghanistan. We just returned to Georgia after living in Italy for two years. We both completely adore Emily and love spending time together as a family.